Girl Dates

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
June 30, 2010

Like the SATC trailer says (have not seen the movie yet...gasp) sometimes, you just have to get away with the girls...because boys just don't understand some of the things we do...

Here's a list of cheap or money free girl-dates to strenghten the bond:

* Girls Just Want to Have Fun! Cindy Lauper performs on July 3 at Queen's Park as part of the Pride Week  festivities. (free!)
*  Want to see a Shakespeare play outdoors? Canadian Stage TD Dream in High Park 2010  presents Romeo and Juliet, a tale of star-crossed lovers and feuding families. I know it sounds romantic, but I dare you to try to get a boy there... (pwyc $20 suggested)
* Sample the best and most exquisite cuisine in the city for relatively moderate prices at Summerlicious. Perfect excuse to dress up and engage in some juicy girl talk over expensive wine. No clean up required. ( lunch menus from $15 - $25, dinner menus $25 - $45)
* Free chick-flicks at Harbourfront Centre. Longo's Free Flicks Series takes place from July 7 to August 11. Only a girl friend would understand the hilarity of Julie & Julia. (free!)

If you have any other ideas I would love to hear them!

Toronto Style: Summer Girls

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments
June 29, 2010

 {Easy, Breezy, Effortless}

 {Summer Picnic Rompers}

{Summer Splash}

{Eclectic Girlfriends}

I was out an about when I spotted these really cute girls.  They all had unique and different styles, even different mannerisms, but their chemistry was undeniable. I could tell they had been friends forever. It made me miss my childhood friends. Even though we have all grown up, we still  share that unbreakable bond that exists when you have seen someone transform into adulthood but you still can attest that they "haven't changed one bit."
June 28, 2010



Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments

I was walking on my way home from my interview with Aline Morales, when I decided to stop by and get a small cookie from my favourite bakery. I only go there once in a full moon, so this is a really cherished treat. On my way home again, as I am happily eating my cookie, this young “gentleman” approaches me and screams loudly “Oh my god! Oh my god! YOU HAVE A FAT ASS BUT I WOULD STILL HIT THAT!” I didn’t know whether to take it as a compliment (a fat ass is not necessarily a bad thing), or be humiliated. I walked in disbelief for about 5 minutes, experiencing a roller coaster of extreme emotions. Confused and shocked that someone would dare be so rude, until I came up with the following (super lame) come backs:

1 – Like I would let you hit that (kind of lame).

2- Well you have a skinny ass, so there’s no way I would let you hit that, m*f. (kind of bitter)

3 – How dare you be so rude? (I’m just not good at giving out insults...)

It was then that I decided to just let it roll. I was not going to let a 15 year old idiot tell me how to feel about my body. Just like I was not going to let a fashion magazine, or a movie star, or a diet product tell me who I was, or if I was worthy of my own acceptance. I decided right then and there that I love my gorgeous fat ass, and I would proudly sway it with every step I took, on my way back home.

And because its Monday and we all need a little laugh...

G20 Get-Away Road Trip

Posted by Toronto Girl 3 comments
June 25, 2010

This weekend is going to be beautiful and sunny..also the G20 is happening causing "chaos" in the city. I can not think of a better excuse to get away, for once, and try something a little different. My sister and I took a road trip last weekend to a quaint little town west of Toronto called Elora (just an 1 1/2 hours away from the city).  We stopped at the beautiful quarry to catch on some sun and eat our delicious picnic alfresco. Later we ventured into town to have a look at the antique and knick-knack shops and indulge in some ice cream. You know a road trip is not complete till you have ice cream (the town ice cream shop has a gazillion flavours). All in all the perfect road trip.

{Beautiful crystal waters and 80ft limestone walls}

{Decisions, the end we settled for chocolate ice cream, you just can't argue a classic}

{Lovely balconies}

June 24, 2010

I am a cheater in the kitchen. I use brownie mix. Yes, I would love to get all Miss Betty Crocker but I don't have the time. That is why I use PC's Organics Chocolate Brownie Mix. I do like to spice things up by adding a little bit of cinnamon and a little bit of chili flakes. I call this creation (drum roll please): Mexican brownies. They are not really Mexican, but no one has to know...except for you.


* 1 pkg of Chocolate Brownie Mix
* 2 eggs
* 1/4 cup of water (to replace butter) or more to moisten mix
* 1/4 cup of cinnamon
* 2 tbs of chili flakes (adjust if you want less or more bite)

1) Mix dry ingredients well, then add eggs and water until mix is moist and thick. Pour mixture into oiled baking pan.
2) set oven to 350 (degrees F) and let it bake for 30 minutes.
3) Insert knife to make sure its ready. if knife comes out dry then you're good to go. If knife comes out wet, leave it on for another 5 minutes and repeat knife test.

Serve with vanilla ice cream and strawberries if you want to be extra indulgent. Which you do, don't you?

A Ray of Sunshine

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
June 23, 2010

When it comes to vanity, tanning is a hot button issue. You tan because you want to look good, but after years of UVB/UVA exposure do you actually look good? And how much exposure does it actually take to cause some damage? Who is safe and who is at risk?

At a recent trip to the Vichy tent at Luminato, I learned about skin damage caused by the sun's rays. I went with my friends Kathy(burns immediately), and Layla (who tans easily). We were each photographed by a UV Camera (looks like a Polaroid camera but with two lenses) and as we waited for the results a Vichy consultant told us about the importance of sunscreen.  Generally speaking you can choose your SPF in accordance to your skin tone.   The lighter you are, the higher the SPF number you should use. The darker your skin, the less sensitive you are to sun exposure. This means you could get  away with lower number. 

{UV Photograph reveals Sun Damage - This girl is 17, and is showing significant sun damage.
According to our Skin expert at Vichy, you might not be able to see them now, but you will in
10 years from now. After having a good look at my tanning addicted neighbour - I concur}

So how to determine where you fit in? Well, there are six different types of skin:

HIGH RISK (SPF 30 or higher is recommended)
Type 1 - always burns, never tans. Sensitive to sun exposure
MODERATE RISK (SPF 20-30 is recommended)
Type 2 - burns easily, tans minimally.
Type 3 - burn moderately, tans gradually to light brown.
Type 4 - minimal burning, always tans well to moderate brown.
Type 5 - rarely burns, always tans profusely to dark.
LOW RISK (SPF 15 is recommended)
Type 6 - never burns but tans darkly. Least sensitive to sun exposure.

So don't make it a question of vanity vs. health. Learn your skin type, learn to take care of it and enjoy the lovely weather :)

Toronto Girl: Aline Morales

Posted by Toronto Girl 6 comments
June 22, 2010

The first time that I saw Aline Morales perform was at an event at the Gladstone hotel. The crowd was cool and mellow, and the mood was carefree. I was moved by the beat of the drums and the sound of her voice. This was two years ago, but it was one of those experiences that I'll never forget. Well, the other day I turned the TV on, only to see that catchy Ontario commercial, featuring none other than Aline. There she was, with her enthralling presence, selling Ontario as Canada’s hottest tourist destination. I immediately became curious about her story. Aline has released a CD, runs her own her business, leads her own band (Baque de Bamba), and is living succesfully as a musician in the city of Toronto.

Why did you move to Toronto?
I was married to a Canadian guy, but part of the reason also was that I wanted to try something new.

What was your biggest challange and how did you overcome it?
 The language and the cultural aspect at the beginning was hard for me, but having to deal with issues like that made me grow so much as a person. I learnt to be patient and gave myself more time to fit in. Also, Toronto is used to newcomers and its very welcoming and understanding of this kind of situation.

How has living in Toronto contributed to your career?
Moving to Toronto was my biggest step as an artist. People here are very open and welcoming to different styles of art/music. So it really made my life here easier as an artist.

{Aline teaches percussion classes at Bavia Arts on Mondays and Thursdays @ 8pm}

I stayed to watch her for a little bit, and it was easy to see how she got to where she is. She is hard working, extremely passionate, and never compromises who she is as a person or an artist.

**Whoops! Aline performs July 16th at Expressions of Brazil at 8pm. Thank you anonymous for the correction!


Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
June 21, 2010

A year ago when I was laid off my friend gave me this book called Five, Where will you be five years from now? It is an amazing book with lots of quotes and goal setting exercises. This is one of my favorire quotes:



Since the ice age, vast numbers of your ancestors have been smart enough, fast enough, strong enough and corageous enough to survive several thousand years of famine, plague, predators and the worst natural disasters. Though you may think yourself as merely "average", you are actually the latest in a long line of human success stories...and the hidden strenghts you've inherited are no doubt trying their best to emerge. Let them out!

June 19, 2010

Little Italy is a neighbourhood renowned for its exquisite cuisine and stylishly festive cohabitants. It is my first time out for this festival, and I can honestly say I was delighted by the amount of carnival-type of games, amazing street food fare and stylish girls walking around in their summer dresses. If you have some time, check it out today!  It's happening on College between Bathurst and Shaw.

{College Street at Night}

{Busy, Busy Crowd...even at 12am!}

{Enthusiastic Players}

{Yummy Gelato, courtesy of Dolce}

{Girls with the munchies}
June 18, 2010

A shout out to all my Fancy Toronto Girls, yeah, coz we be getting "our nails done, hair done, everything did," and going out tonight to enjoy this beautiful city of ours in the summah time. TGIF!

By the way, Drakes album came out this week. You can buy it here. Yes, that's right, this Toronto Girl is hopping on the Drake bandwagon...and no, I don't really talk like that, but right now I'm in the mood.

Single Fun Bucket List

Posted by Toronto Girl 6 comments
June 17, 2010

Its Wednesday night, I am sitting with a group of girlfriends, having a caramel macchiato at our local Starbucks. What are we talking about? Men. The ones we are dating, the ones we are not dating, the ones we want to date, you get the point. It really brought me back to the good ol’ days when I was single. Oh yes, I was out there, obsessing like the rest of my girlfriends…that is until my best friend and I made a pact to just go out to have fun. We embarked on a so-called "man diet."  We went dancing on Tuesdays and karaoke singing on Fridays. I got a second job, she joined a meet up group. She took a solo trip to Greece and later on I went to Paris for my birthday (solo). No strings attached, no expectations, no boys allowed. Just two single gals having adventures.

Think about it, how many hours do we spend, over analyzing matters “of the heart,” and how many hours do we actually dedicate to just living life? Does this make us any happier? Who is looking out for #1? So I say, stop obsessing. Create list of things that you want to do this summer for yourself, no one else.

Here’s my list:

• Take swing dance lessons
• Join a networking group for young professionals
• Have a picnic/ outdoors dinner party with my friends
• Eat at a fancy restaurant on the cheap
• Go on a road trip
• Take a class/lecture at one of the local universities
• Participate in a sports team
• Learn how to Rollerblade and experiment around the Beaches
• Rent a bike and bike around the Toronto Islands
• Go for long runs/ stairs around Casaloma every weekend
• Experience an Opera performance

…and yes,  I eventually got off the diet, because when I was at my best I met the best, and we still go on our separate adventures and have a blast reminiscing and exchanging stories when we get together.

P.S - Feel free to add on to the list, or better yet, share your own list.
July 16, 2010

I have decided to start this section in honour of all the stylish girls in the city. The ones that catch my eye while I'm walking down the street, the ones that amaze me daily with their creativity.  Whether their style is girly and clean, or punk ballerina, or retro chic, Toronto Girls are undeniably eclectic and inspiring.

{Soft Rock}

{ Girly Girl Flirt}

{Mismatch Master}

{Lovely in pink}

 THANK YOU to all the girls who graciously allowed me to photograph them.

Credit Card Guard

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
June 15, 2010

Swipe, swipe, swipe and then be prepared when the bill comes in at the end of the month. Hopefully, you'll be smart and when it comes you will not be surprised. 

Yet, it's so easy to spend and not keep track of where your money goes when you use your credit card. I guess it takes willpower, my friends, and sometimes you gotta train yourself to have will power. That is why ReadyMade Magazine  had the brilliant idea of creating a credit card guard. I simplified the instructions and made some illustrations to go along with them. (I'm a visual person)

What you need:
* Fabric scraps (keep in mind that you need a 3 3/4" x 5" rectangle)
*Needle and thread
*A ruler and chalk or a pen that will be visible on the fabric

1) Prepare your rectangle. 

2) Fold in half and sew along the sides on the dotted line. Leave the top open.  

3) Flip it so that the seam allowence is now inside the pocket.
Insert your Credit Card and sew top seam closed.  Tie a knot at the end and leave enough thread hanging so that if you have an emergency you can pull it and free your credit card. ONLY DO THIS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY!

{This is the one from Ready Made, as you can see,
I like things to look neat, so I turned my s.a's inside}

I hope you find this useful :)

If you are having problems with your debt, check out these really helpful suggestions.

P.S: there is no such thing as a clothing emergency... (unless your pants rip and you have a very important meeting...)

MONDAY NOTE: Stop Worrying

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments
June 14, 2010

Rachel Roy made this film so that girls would realize that "fashion is their weapon, how they can express themselves," you know, something to have fun with and not take so seriously.

And although she made this film to promote her clothing line RACHEL, I hope this inspires you to stop worrying and have some fun and take some chances (with everything, not just fashion).


June 13, 2010

Luminato is Toronto’s premier festival of the arts and creativity. This is one of the festivals that I really look forward to every single summer. Well, this year they stepped it up a couple of notches. Opening weekend was crazy fun! The line up was simply impressive: Jully Black, Sas Jordan and Grammy nominated Melanie Fiona (unfortunately I only made it out to see Melanie) on Friday night and Grammy award singer La India, the princess of salsa (Celia will always be the Queen) on Saturday night. They did full out sets of their greatest hits and had everyone dancing and singing the entire time.

{The crown was pumped and ready to go}

{Luminato is sponsored by L'oreal, who also has a make-over tent on Yonge & Dundas}

{Free make over? yay! The artists from L'oreal gave their guests the star treatment}

{What can I say, Melanie has soul, sass and charisma }

{The concert set up was very high tech,
people on the back could still see the concert from these gigant screens}

 {La India, OMG! what a voice}

 {Singing "Vivir Lo Nuestro" my favorite songs ever, originally a duet with Marc Anthony}

 {And of course the crowd was dancing}

I have posted all pictures on facebook, click here and join me :)

Friday Night Playlist

Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments
July 11, 2010

Although I am exhausted and still recovering from last night festivities, I am really looking forward to the weekend because it is jam packed with music events. Ahhh...I love summer. Can't we have summer FOREVER?
So I have prepared a playlist that contains the artist that I'll be checking out. I hope this gets you pumped!!!

Melanie Fiona will be performing tonight at Yonge & Dundas Square as part of the Canadian Divas Concert.

Jully Black will also be on stage tonight (at Yonge & Dundas). This event starts at 7pm.

Arcade Fire will also be playing two last minute shows in Toronto this weekend at the Danforth Music Hall.
For details click here.

And La India, who has been crowned the princess of Salsa, will be performing on Saturday night at Yonge & Dundas as part of Luminato's Latin Divas Concert. I am so excited that I just can't hide it!



 {Thursday night's place to be was most definitely Revival, for The Remix Project Fundraiser}

 {Brock talking about The Remix Project}

 {Hosted by T-rexXx}


{Performance by Remix Project Graduates PG}

{wicked styles and bright smiles - I tried to rhyme}

{Toronto Girls are not only generous but they are oh-so fashionable}

{Catriona from Coco&Lowe}

{Photo Will - amazing photographer @ Lost In The Willderness}
June 9, 2010

The Remix Project, a non-profit dedicated to giving youth the tools they need to suceed in the urban arts industry (photography, fashion, PR, graphic design, etc). On June 10th, they are hosting a fund raising party. So come out and support a great cause.

For info and tickets click here.

My sister is a brilliantly creative cook.  Leave it to a student to create something out of very little. This turned out to be THE BEST MEAL OF MY LIFE! every bite was full of flavour! We served it on top of wild rice, which really complemented the stir fry by adding a nutty flavour.

{serves two people}


  • 2 Chicken Breasts (you could replace with Herbed Tofu for a vegetarian version)

  • Random Vegetables (we used celery, green peppers, yellow peppers, zucchini, onions - I would also add crushed tomatoes)

  • 1 can of chickpeas

  • 2 pinches of lemon pepper

  • 1 tea spoon of lemon juice

  • 3 tbs Teriyaki sauce (as you see fit)

  • 1 Splash of soy sauce or Liquid Braggs

  • 2 tbs of chili infused oil
1)  Heat oil and add chopped onions until they are caramelized.
2) Add chicken and leave it alone until its completely cooked
3) Add other ingredients. Veggies go first, then chickpeas, then spices and sauces.

Bon Appetite!
June 8, 2010

Last night at the "Invest +Power=ACHIEVE" event I had the pleasure of meeting Melanie Fiona and I have to say I was very very impressed. Not only is this Toronto Girl beautiful, but she has talent and drive to back her up. She's a woman that has always known what she wanted: to make music. She stuck to her guns, left no stone unturned and look at what she has accomplished! Proving once again, that if you do what you love, and you work hard, everything else falls into place.

She started off performing at Toronto night clubs, to writting songs for Rihanna, to being the opening act for the hottest stars in the business. Last summer after the release of the album The Bridge  she went on to open for Kanye West (Glow in the Dark Tour) and is currently opening for Alicia Keys (Freedom Tour). She has also earned a nomination for a Grammy in the Best Female R&B Vocal Performance category. Watch out for this Toronto Girl because she's just getting started!

You know you love the song, you know you'll love the album. Buy it here.

Invest + Power = ACHIEVE

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments

{Melanie & David Miller}

{ Toronto Rappers  -Pierre and RC}

{Melanie owning the stage}

{Mayor David Miller & Hipsters}

{Melanie Fiona & beautiful Toronto Girls}

Last night Mayor David Miller and Grammy Nominated (also nicest/ coolest Toronto Girl in the world) Melanie Fiona hosted “Invest + Power = ACHIEVE” a celebration of our youth and our neighbourhoods. Local Rappers, mural artists, and politicians gathered to talk about the importance of giving our youth opportunities to develop their talents and go somewhere. Toronto is a hot spot for talent, but talent is not everything when it comes to success. Some of these kids for one reason or another, lack opportunities and it’s great to learn that there are organizations out there dedicated to giving our youth opportunities to grow that talent and succeed beyond anyone’s expectations.

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