July 31, 2010

In an effort to get immersed in the Caribbean culture and to prep for today's Caribana, my gal pals and I hit the Harbourfront Centre's Island Soul Festival on Friday evening. The event featured dancers, bands and amazingly delicious food. Everyone was having a great time! This makes me oh-so-excited for my first Caribana ever!!!

Island Soul is running until August 2nd (it's August already?!?). For a full schedule click here. Did I mention it was free?

Here are some of the pictures:

{The band playing at the Sirus Stage had the crowd pumped -The energy in the place was amazing!}

{"Push your butt" - surprisingly the ladies were into it - why not? }

{The Caliente Dance Crew keeping it hot}

{Toronto Girl enjoying the festivities}

{My advice: try the jerk chicken. This one was better than my "edible" version}

Looking forward to the feelin' de vibe at Caribana today- Stayed tuned for my pictures and anecdotes!

July 30, 2010

 {Photo courtesy of Caribanatoronto.com}

There are many exciting events taking place in Toronto this weekend, but none as exciting as the Caribana Parade. What is the Caribana Parade you ask? It's the largest and most colourful celebration of Caribbean culture in North America.  Come for the music, come for the costumes, come for the vibe, it's a guaranteed good time!

Whether you're playin' MAS or watching from the sidelines, here are a couple of survival tips:

1) Sleep well the night before to get ready for a super fun day! Who are we kidding, you`re probably going to all the cool parties the night before.

2) Over a million people are expected to show up at this year's festivities, so if at all possible, arrive early. (Again, this might not happen)

3) Take the TTC. We all know how ridiculous parking can get at these events. I`ve seen lots charge up to $30. Talk about milking it...

4) If you're going to "Jump up!" you better wear comfortable shoes. The parade starts 10 am and ends at 6pm. Stiletto heels will kill you.

5) The Weather forecast on Saturday calls for 31 degrees, with a 10% chance of rain. So pack the sunscreen and pack the umbrella. Although in my opinion, there is nothing sexier than dancing in the rain *wink*

6) Bring a reusable water bottle, some band-aids (for blisters), your camera and your friends. Dance around, jump up and all that good stuff.

{Are you ready for the Caribana Weekend?}

***Check back with us on Saturday for more pictures and anecdotes of the Parade***
July 29, 2010

{photo courtesy of mtv.ca}

“Happiness doesn’t come from what you have in your life, but what you choose to do with it”

Jessi Crickshank is Calgary native, U of T graduate, (ex)MTV personality, Gemini Award nominee and Canadian Ambassador for Free The Children.  Although I have never met her, I have to confess that I’ve had a HUGE girl crush on this redhead for a long time. Jessi won my heart with her quick wit, quirky sense of style and intelligent/hilarious commentary on The After Show. If I have to confess further, I will also say that sometimes I would skip the whole Hills show and just watch The After Show...

{photo courtesy of Toronto Life.com}

Jessi has an impressive list of accomplishments and after reading about her life I can see that she’s not afraid to take risks, speak her mind and work hard. Jessi is a role model for us Toronto Girls who are just getting started. So it is with a bit of selfish sadness that I report that Jessi tweeted that she’s moving to LA. Now I know what my bf felt when Chris Bosh left the Raptors. At the same time, how do you stop a star from growing? You can’t. Luckily, she will go on to do great things, and leading by example, she will encourage Toronto Girls to not only dream big but pursue our dreams fearlessly.


For everything you need to know about living/loving/ making it in the city visit us at TorontoGirlChronicles.com. Check frequently because you don't want to miss out on anything :)
July 27, 2010

So I am sitting here, with a big project staring back at me, from the side. It’s just sitting there waiting for me to finish it, but I can think of one hundred other things that I would rather be doing. I look around one corner and I see that I need to do laundry, which reminds me: I need to buy some detergent and I might as well do groceries while I’m at it. Coincidentally I notice that I am rather hungry…I just don’t know where to start …I think I rather just sit here and blog about procrastinating.

Procrastination is one of the toughest habits to break. I usually procrastinate when I’m overwhelmed and don’t know how to tackle a task. Then time disappears and I have to rush that daunting task, and by rush I mean half-ass it. Then I am disappointed in myself for not giving it my best.

The only tip that has ever worked for me was given to me by the smartest man on the planet:


Also I find it useful to write a list and start ticking off things.
Having said that, I’m going to go and get started on that project. Right after I do laundry…just kidding.

What are your tips for breaking the procrastination habit?
July 26, 2010

{once a dancer, always a dancer - what makes you happy?}

Maybe it's the beautiful weather, maybe it's the fact that my boss is out of town... but I am feeling really cheerful today. I actually don't think it's any of the above (well, maybe to some degree), I think it's the fact that I realized that there's 52 Mondays in a year, the equivalent to a month and a half and I don't plan on spending a month and a half feeling miserable, and neither should you!

So in order to turn this frown upside down, I made a little list of Monday Cheer-uppers (all natural):

1) Find a song that makes you wanna say...

And dance before you do anything else. Get those endorphins going. Its also entertaining for the neighbours. Trust me.

2) Create a special Monday tradition. For Example, go get a fancy ice cream cone at Dutch Dreams on St. Clair.


3) Find a new activity to look forward to:  Dance Lessons, Circus School (Static Trapeze anyone?), relaxing in the sun at Toronto's HTO Beach with a good book, the possibilities are endless.

Don't you just love Mondays? :)
July 20, 2010

Girls that caught my eye this week:

{Super talented Fashion Photographer Lynsie Roberts}

{Babe on a Bike}

{Grrrr.... dedicated to CM @ SDP who loves all things leopard print}

July 19, 2010

I had a teacher in high school who told me that real artists do not wait around for inspiration. Real artist seek inspiration! Waiting around for things to happen is such a waste of time, yet many of us keep on waiting  for the right opportunity, for the perfect timing...let me tell you a little secret: Its never going to happen. I've met so many succesful women and the thing that they had in common is the fact that they went after that opportunity, even if the timing was not right.
If you don't know what you want then go search for it. Try different jobs, talk to people who are in the field that you're interested in, do an internship, do something! What are you waiting for?

I you do know what you want, then go out and get it. Talk to people, take a class, do your research, take a chance! What are you waiting for?

Just a little throw back and one of my favorite songs of all time:

Happy Monday :)
July 16, 2010

The Sassy Cook has an amazing blog about food and life, mutually exclusive. I've asked her to share this post because I agree that when things go wrong (not just in love) you should always be extra kind to yourself  and then move on.


Step 1: Set the table with stunning flowers, just for YOU.

 Step 2: Because you have no desire to cook, purchase frozen pizza.
Feel less guilty about the purchase by lavishing pizza with better toppings
- brie, broccoli, farmers sausage, gorgonzola, fresh basil, etc.
 (apologies for the post-bite photo..I couldn't wait!)

Step 3: Cook any leftover memories on high heat until crispy.
Please adhere to your building fire safety codes while testing this recipe! HA.

Step 4: Order your favourite sushi, and watch episodes of glee, in bed.
repeat as necessary. watch out for wasabi in your bedsheets! YOWZAA!

Friday Night Playlist

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments

My only addition to the above instructions would be to play some really great music and dance. Get that endorphin high!

July 14, 2010

I've always been intrigued by the graffiti I see from the subway window around Keele Station. Also, being that I call myself a West-end Girl, I could not live with the fact that I have never walked around the Bloor West/ High Park area. To put and end to this, I took a lazy afternoon to explore this lovely neighbourhood and it's quaint shops, restaurants and markets.

{Toronto Girls Hanging Out }

{Fresh Produce at one of the many markets on Bloor Street}

{Brunch at Grenadier Restaurant - Located inside High Park}

{Graffiti at the back of the stores along Bloor}
July 13, 2010

My brother and I had lunch at a park last weekend. Afterwards, I set up a tent and proceeded to nap, as many sleepless nights in Toronto induce me to fall asleep everywhere else. I was about 10 minutes into my nap when a dog, a wet dog, came in the tent and started splashing all around! As you can imagine, I was not impressed. So I got out of the tent and asked the owners to control their dog. Okay, I might have yelled, but only because they were far away. To this my brother said: “Wow, Toronto people are so aggressive.” I knew he meant rude. He’s just too polite to say so.

I’ve always thought I was polite, so this came as a shock to me. Could my four years as a Toronto Girl have turned my small town sweetness into raw aggression? I started to reflect upon actions and the actions of Torontonians in general. For example, when a pregnant woman/elderly person needs a seat, do we offer it? When we’re driving and someone cuts us off, do we honk? When service at a restaurant takes a little bit too long, do we snap? In my opinion, we are polite. We are also assertive; if something is wrong we speak on it. Nothing wrong with that…but maybe I’m just too used to being rude to notice it. Maybe the norm in this city (as in every major city) is to be aggressive, and anything else is just plain wimpy. What do you think? Are we too rude/aggressive?

Sunshine Fruit Salad

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments
July 12, 2010

Lately, I've been really lazy when it comes to cooking. All this heat makes me get out of the kitchen... but I do need to eat, so I made the quickest fastest meal possible: a fruit salad. It was very refreshing, if I do say so myself!


* pineapple - cut into bite sized chunks
* strawberries - cut into bite sized chunks

* mango - cut into bite sized chunks

* dried prunes (optional)
* 1 tsp of acacia honey
* 1/4 cup of lime juice

Mix all fruit chunks in a big bowl. In a separate small bowl mix honey and lime juice, until they come together as one (liquid). Pour dressing on top of fruits and mix again. You're done.

Bon Appettite :)

July 9, 2010

The best way to cool off on a hot summer evening is to enjoy a nice refreshing beverage on a downtown patio. Well last night, myself and 400 of my new best friends got to do that at Ultra Lounge on Queen Street West. The event titled "Art of Patio" was hosted by CityVIP1 and the guest were young professionals from various industries, all dressed up and ready to have some fun!

The DJ, the food, the crowd, the gorgeous venue! A truly spectacular evening. I just can not say enough good things about this event. If you missed it this time around, you must know that CityVIP hosts more of these amazing networking events, so check out their website often.

Here are a few pictures of the evening:

{Relaxing on the patio late afternoon}

{Glamorous Toronto Girls}

{Toronto Girl wearing a sombrero, chilling with her friends}

{yummm....I don't know what the sauce was but it was delish!}

{Patio at night}

**For more pictures check out our facebook page**

Are We Too Picky?

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments
July 8, 2010

I had a lovely non-date date with an old high school buddy yesterday. We chilled over a cup of iced tea and talked about work, life and girls. The girls’ topic is where it gets interesting for me, as I love to get the male perspective on these sorts of things. Carlo is a really great guy, yet single but no girl will mingle… fast forward to a conversation with my girl friends, where it was clearly stated that there is a shortage of good men in the city of Toronto. Is this actually true, or are we just too picky?

I have dated my share of interesting personalities, so I can tell you that it is true, they are out there (the bad boys). At the same time I can also tell I’ve seen my friends fall in love with some good men, so I know they are also out there. I think the problem lies in our perspective. We have all these long lists of things we want in a man, but we need to learn how to differentiate the wants from the needs. You want someone that is 6ft tall, rich and listens to classic rock, and quickly disregard any guy that does not fit the profile. Well those are things that you want. What about the things that you need? Like a man that is thoughtful, supportive, kind, makes you laugh, is hard working (a hard working man will eventually be rich according to my mom) … I could go on. You get the point.

Obviously you need someone that you have crazy chemistry with, but if you give yourself the chance to get to know someone you might be surprised at the chemistry that develops. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, but I’ve always believed that good men are worth giving the benefit of the doubt.

Oh! and just a little video to make you smile on a Thursday afternoon….

What are your wants? What are your needs? Am I totally deluded?

How To Deal

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments
July 7, 2010

I received a message today,  it was more like a rant about someone not liking their job. I think it would be safe to say that 80% of us do not love our jobs (this is so sad!). Maybe we are on our way to something greater, or on our way to realizing we made a great mistake. (I am speaking with no one in mind) Whatever the case, reality is you have to keep your cool until you find something you love.

I’ve come up with a list of things that you could do to help you cope:

1) Look for other jobs, send resumes, talk to people. Be proactive.

2) Realize that things could be much worse, at least you have a job.

3) Make a list of skills that you can learn/develop at your job.

4) Enjoy the perks (water cooler =fresh cold water! Yay! joking).

5) Get busy. Just finish whatever you need to get done.

6) Find a hobby or something to look forward to.

7) Never lose sight of your goals!

I once read a quote, and though it was the cheesiest ever, it happens to be very true:

 “Life is what you make it, so go ahead and make lemonade”
{or something to that extent}

Do you have any other tips for coping?

Mid Week Break at the Beach

Posted by Toronto Girl 5 comments
I love the Beaches because it feels like I'm out of the city. The vibe is really laid back, colourful and the cool breeze from the lake is really refreshing (perfect atmosphere to beat the heat wave!). Not to mention it's as expensive as you make it ( I made it with $10 - I had a metro pass), so it really is the perfect mid-week trip. Take the subway to Queen Station, ride the streetcar to Woodbine and you're there. Pretend its not Wednesday and you're good to go.

{You could bring a hoola hoop and have a hoola-t-of- fun}

{Or play some volleyball with a bunch of hot guys}

{No lifeguard in sight. Just the boat}

{Impromtu Copper Art installation by Toronto Artist Brian Klyne}
July 6, 2010

 {Denim Cool}

{Beach Ready}

 {Emerald City & Henna Tattoos}

 {Bright Watercolours}


Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
July 5, 2010

There are many things that scare me, but if there’s something that I have learned in these past years, is that those things that scare me the most hold the biggest rewards. Maybe life is like investments, after all, the bigger the risk, the bigger the dividends. Or better yet, life is like a dance show. The bigger the audience, the bigger the pressure.

You work hard, you prepare as much as you can and when the opportunity to perform arises, you have a choice: Do you step in, or do you dare not touch the stage? You’re behind that curtain, ready to take that big leap of faith. You feel as though your heart could not possibly beat any faster. Then again, if you don’t feel those palpitations, is it really worth it? So you go, take a deep breath and step into the spotlight. You know that everything you need for that moment you have already learnt. Life happens when you’re ready to let it happen. Everything happens for a reason. You might give the performance of a life time, or you might not...but you will never know until you defeat your fears and start dancing.

Capoeira in the Streets

Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments
July 3, 2010

I was walking along Bloor Street and I came across this Capoeira (pronounced Cap-oh-air-ah) dance circle. It was a big group, with members of different ages, genres and nationalities, just having fun on a sunny afternoon. Although I've heard that it is mostly a male dominated dance, I must point out that the ladies were kicking butt!

So what is Capoeira? It is an Afro-Brazilian folk dance using martial arts movements. It was developed in the 1500's  by the indigenous and black slaves in Brazil as a form of self expression and self-defence. It requires a great amount of endurance, flexibility and awareness to re-enact these fight scenes. The whole point is to avoid getting kicked and punched, while showing off some air flips and high kicks. All this is done to the sound of drums and claps.


Definitely something I'll be adding to that bucket list.  To learn more about Capoeira click HERE.

Sunny Day on Centre Island

Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments
July 2, 2010

{Skyline view of Toronto}

{Boarding the Ferry}

{Make a wish - if your penny lands on the center it might just come true..}

{Heaven Can Wait}


{The perfect day}

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