I am, admittedly, a girl that suffers from a short attention span. I need to be running from here to there, not a single quiet minute. The thing is, as I've experienced, nothing can get accomplished if you don't focus. That is why every single year we sit down and jot down that cliched "New Years Resolution" list. We try to regain focus...by day two we have been running around (doing anything but that which we set to accomplish) and we have lost the damn list!
There goes the "I-will-eat-healthier", "I-will-exercise-more" and " I-will-keep-in-touch-with-friends". Probably somewhere underneath the bed (my answer to all things lost).
So...my friend gave me the perfect solution: Create a storyboard. A storyboard is a visual aid that summarizes the goal of a project. It can be pictures, it can be an idea tree, or whatever symbolizes what you want to get accomplished. Its creative, crafty and kinda fun. At the end of each year I go through all my magazines and plaster on my board clippings, pictures or phrases that visually represent what my goals are. I hang it on top of my shoe rack so that I look at it everyday and I am constantly reminded of what it is that I should be focusing on.
This is the storyboard for the blog. What I want to write about. Making friends, dating, learning how to cook, finding roommates, saving money, getting fit...the things that I wish I knew when I first moved to Toronto and every girl making that transition should know. I want to share the scoop on the great things about Toronto (friendly people, eclectic neighbourhoods, the TTC) and the worst things about Toronto (expensive rent, traffic, the TTC) and how to deal with them. No matter where you come from Toronto is the type of city that will embrace you (sometimes it'll kick you...) and eventually you will call your own. That's where my focus is at.
There goes the "I-will-eat-healthier", "I-will-exercise-more" and " I-will-keep-in-touch-with-friends". Probably somewhere underneath the bed (my answer to all things lost).
So...my friend gave me the perfect solution: Create a storyboard. A storyboard is a visual aid that summarizes the goal of a project. It can be pictures, it can be an idea tree, or whatever symbolizes what you want to get accomplished. Its creative, crafty and kinda fun. At the end of each year I go through all my magazines and plaster on my board clippings, pictures or phrases that visually represent what my goals are. I hang it on top of my shoe rack so that I look at it everyday and I am constantly reminded of what it is that I should be focusing on.
This is the storyboard for the blog. What I want to write about. Making friends, dating, learning how to cook, finding roommates, saving money, getting fit...the things that I wish I knew when I first moved to Toronto and every girl making that transition should know. I want to share the scoop on the great things about Toronto (friendly people, eclectic neighbourhoods, the TTC) and the worst things about Toronto (expensive rent, traffic, the TTC) and how to deal with them. No matter where you come from Toronto is the type of city that will embrace you (sometimes it'll kick you...) and eventually you will call your own. That's where my focus is at.
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