May 31, 2010


Your life is great! You can do anything good! Isn't this the best youtube video that you ever did see? I wonder what happens to us when we grow up, why do we loose our enthusiasm as we get older? I guess the real battle in life is to keep smiling and to always remember that, really, our life is GREAT.

Happy Monday!

How I got LAID

Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments
May 28, 2010
Caught your attention didn't I?

What a taboo subject, eh? It seems that we talk about it all the time with our friends, while holding a glass of wine with one hand and covering our giggles with the other one. Yes, we are the "Sex and The City" girls. We sit and chat with our girlfriends about our sex lives, sometimes brag about our hook ups, share tips and all that, but how often do we have real conversations. I mean real conversations about the good, the bad and the scary.  Are we afraid to have these conversations? or are we just too ignorant to have an honest discussion when it comes to sex?

Well the book LAID by Shannon Boodram is just that: an open, raw and completely honest, unapologetic discusion about sex. It talks about everything from random hook ups, to "making love", to wanted/unwanted pregnancy, to rape to aids and everything in between. The stories in LAID force you to sit down and look at your choices and ask yourself questions about what you want your experiences to be like.  At the end of the day, the who, what, where of your sexuality is your decision, but wouldn't you rather know all your choices before you get down and get yours?

LAID, the book, is available at all respectable bookstores, but they had ran out of copies when I went to pick mine up so I bought it at Amazon.

This is the book summarized by Shannon in her own words. Watch:

Mixing Business and Pleasure

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
May 26, 2010

Luckily, I can not speak from experience since I work in an all girl environment, but what say you about workplace romance?

I was recently looking at pictures from an ex-workplace party, and I couldn't help but notice that many of the happy couples in those pictures, had at one point or another a different kind of relationship. They were client and service provider (get your mind out of the gutter) relationships. Is this a good idea?

According to an article on Business, 20% of married couples have met at the workplace, so its not like it never happens. Upon further research (read gossiping with girlfriends), I have come to the conclusion that it is risky business. A friend of a friend of a friend had the brilliant idea of hooking up a then boyfriend with a job at her workplace, under her supervision, only to break up with him a couple of months later. To make matters worse, after the break-up she started dating someone that worked at a different department. Can you say uncomfortable?

On the other side, I am sure that an office romance does not have to entail so much drama. I am sure that there are cases that end up happily. Just make sure that you know what you're doing. Make sure that you know your company's policy on inter-office relationships and whatever the case, be discreet (and make sure he is discreet). Don't give 'em something to talk about when it comes to your personal live. Like my mama would say "you didn't bust your ass in school and worked so hard to throw it all away on a whim". (well, she wouldn't really say it like that, sometimes you have to exaggerate to get a point across...)

If you're attracted to a co-worker and he's attracted to you take it forward?  5 things to ponder:

1- Is he cute? I'm just joking...

1- Is he/ she your supervisor? or are your his/her superior?
2-What are the company rules?
3- What are the consequences on your career?
4- Is he trust-worthy? does he like water-cooler chat?
5- What would happen if things end?

Also check out this article from Canadian Lawyer Magazine. It raises some good points.
May 25, 2010

"The Most RACES Show On Earth! is a culture-building endeavour designed to bring the funniest multicultural comedians together to celebrate diversity and to help fight racism through laughter. By bringing cultures together, this show aims to promote cultural understanding and awareness within our communities."

You know how I'm always bragging about multiculturalism? This show is HILARIOUS! Its totally devoted to ridiculing racial stereotypes and making us laugh at our differences and appreciate our similarities. This is definitely the place to be this Friday night. 
P.S - laughing is not also a great de-stressor, its also works your ab muscles. Just in time for bikini season ;)

Doors Open Toronto

Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments

You gotta love Toronto Architecture. It is a real mix-and-match, one of a kind concoction.  I mean, Crystal building at the ROM? have you ever seen anything like it? whether you love it or hate it, you have to admit itis very unique. That's our city...
Well, once a year, the city's most interesting buildings open its doors for the general public to wonder around. This event is called Doors Open Toronto and its an excellent opportunity to snoop around and see the inner workings of the buildings that give our city its unique character.

I was just browsing through a list of buildings and I am very excited that the National School of Ballet is on there. I performed there last year, so I know what their backstage looks like , but I am very curious to see their classrooms, costume's room, etc.


Also the Gooderham 'Flatiron' Building will have its doors open. You might remember this building from my walk around the Distillery District Post. Other than those two (there is over 150 old and new buildings) I suggest you take a look at all the "green" buildings in our city, because kids, this is the way of the future.


Have a great long weekend!!!


Posted by Toronto Girl 0 comments
With my academic obligations now behind me and a renewed sense of "I can do anything", I am bringing this sexy blog back. So stayed tuned folks! I will continue to write about what it takes to make it in one piece in this beautiful city of ours!


Posted by Toronto Girl 1 comments
Dearest Readers,

I'd like to apologize for dropping off the face of earth so suddenly and unexpectedly. As it turns out, I decided that I should practice what I preach and really give it my all to this math course. One month left and I said to myself, this is it, what you do now can determine your success! do I want to be known as the girl that can't add -2+1 for the rest of my life? No! the horror. So I did drop everything (except my main job - the one that pays the bills) and gave it my all to this course. I'll be happy to say that I got an 80% on chapter 6, coincidentally the hardest in the whole course and I am pretty sure that I just topped that last Thursday...
But dearest readers, its not all about mathematical domination. Its about getting out of your comfort zone and taking control of  said zone. Its hard work, and sometimes you have to prioritize accomplish these things. I've looked around all the people that I know to be successful and that is one thing that they have in common. They have stepped out of their comfort zone and found their edge. Everyone can do ordinary things like get up in the morning and go to work, but it is those who are truly extraordinary that go that extra mile, even if it means stepping into unknown territory, and they work hard and dominate their field. They own their craft.

Having said that...this is a project that is very close to my heart and I will continue to pursue and work hard and take it to the next level on June 1st. So come visit me then! I will have a new layout, more streamlined information, new topics, I'll answer your questions, more interviews with the experts, etc! its going to be great!!!!!!!!!! I promise.

Thanks for your patience. I promise it will be worth it.

Toronto Girl
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