Dearest Readers,
I'd like to apologize for dropping off the face of earth so suddenly and unexpectedly. As it turns out, I decided that I should practice what I preach and really give it my all to this math course. One month left and I said to myself, this is it, what you do now can determine your success! do I want to be known as the girl that can't add -2+1 for the rest of my life? No! the horror. So I did drop everything (except my main job - the one that pays the bills) and gave it my all to this course. I'll be happy to say that I got an 80% on chapter 6, coincidentally the hardest in the whole course and I am pretty sure that I just topped that last Thursday...
But dearest readers, its not all about mathematical domination. Its about getting out of your comfort zone and taking control of said zone. Its hard work, and sometimes you have to prioritize accomplish these things. I've looked around all the people that I know to be successful and that is one thing that they have in common. They have stepped out of their comfort zone and found their edge. Everyone can do ordinary things like get up in the morning and go to work, but it is those who are truly extraordinary that go that extra mile, even if it means stepping into unknown territory, and they work hard and dominate their field. They own their craft.
Having said that...this is a project that is very close to my heart and I will continue to pursue and work hard and take it to the next level on June 1st. So come visit me then! I will have a new layout, more streamlined information, new topics, I'll answer your questions, more interviews with the experts, etc! its going to be great!!!!!!!!!! I promise.
Thanks for your patience. I promise it will be worth it.
Toronto Girl
What's Happenin'
A Night Out On the Town
A Walk Around in the Neighbourhood
Bloor Street
CanStage TD
Chocolate Truffles
City of Toronto
Cultural Activities
Decision Making
Dream Job
Financial Diet
Flippin' Funny
Fun Stuff
Good Food
In Case of Emergency
In the Kitchen
Jerk Chicken
Monday Note
Moving to LA
Out on The Town
Personal Development
Pride Week
Scotia Bank's Caribana
Sexy Sexy
Skin Care
The Essentials
Toronto Art Galleries
Toronto Girls Making it
Toronto Style
organic cooking
ooh can't wait for the new layout and good luck on everything, you'll do fine!