July 26, 2010
{once a dancer, always a dancer - what makes you happy?}
Maybe it's the beautiful weather, maybe it's the fact that my boss is out of town... but I am feeling really cheerful today. I actually don't think it's any of the above (well, maybe to some degree), I think it's the fact that I realized that there's 52 Mondays in a year, the equivalent to a month and a half and I don't plan on spending a month and a half feeling miserable, and neither should you!
So in order to turn this frown upside down, I made a little list of Monday Cheer-uppers (all natural):
1) Find a song that makes you wanna say...
And dance before you do anything else. Get those endorphins going. Its also entertaining for the neighbours. Trust me.
2) Create a special Monday tradition. For Example, go get a fancy ice cream cone at Dutch Dreams on St. Clair.
3) Find a new activity to look forward to: Dance Lessons, Circus School (Static Trapeze anyone?), relaxing in the sun at Toronto's HTO Beach with a good book, the possibilities are endless.
Don't you just love Mondays? :)
love the attitude :)
love the ice cream idea, will try it myself.
that ice cream loooks absolutely delish!!
the ice cream is from the famous Dutch Dreams located on St. Clair West/ Vaughn intesection. It is amazing! Perfect Monday tradition.
Thanks for your comments :)