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I saw this interview of Beyonce, just a girl from Houston that has conquered the world and is doing something that she loves. Her ambition and passion totally inspire me. I hope this inspires you too.

P.S - I got this video from Coco&Lowe - one of my favorite blogs.


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Just thought I'd tell you all that tonight's moon is supposed to be the biggest and brightest moon of the year. You might also be able to see mar's shadow against the moon. Or something like that. So enjoy.

Being Spontanious

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I have a “crazy friend” that I met in Paris. He is the type of person that has no cares in the world. He goes around from place to place having crazy experiences so that he has a good story to tell over beers in some dingy bar. He has visited 35 countries and lived in five, including Morocco, where he got arrested. He is such a free spirit, such a fascinating person. Perhaps I am so enthralled by him because he is the total opposite of me. I am a self-proclaimed neat-freak and I love stability. I like travelling, but I have an itinerary and read extensively on the place before I arrive there. He, it seems, just picks a place any place and goes.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be so free spirited. To just pick up and go. Not a care in the world, able to withstand the most unbearable of circumstances with an always optimistic smile. I wonder if I have let myself become so uptight that I am creating this environment where I will miss out on exciting opportunities to follow the path less travelled. Or maybe I am just creating my own path at a careful speed...I just don’t want to set limits...

Regardless, if there is something that I’ve learned from “crazy friend” is that sometimes you just have to let go. Welcome the surprises in life, roll with the punches. I once heard that the best experiences are the ones that you don’t plan. It’s true. He just wrote me an e-mail about his new un-heated apartment in Brooklyn and his crazy upstairs neighbours who have swings in the living room to keep warm. After I read it and wiped off my laughter induced tears I promised myself that I would try to be a little bit more spontaneous, allow some excitement and maybe come up with a good story to tell you over champagne in an upscale lounge.

We See You Haiti

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Dearest TTC

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Dearest TTC,

How I love to hate you. Four years riding you and we are still having problems. You make me sad, you make me cry, you leave me out there in the cold, waiting. I hate waiting. The truth is... I need you. You are not the kinder way, but you are THE ONLY WAY to thousands of riders that board your trains, buses and street cars. Unfortunately, Toronto is not the bicycle friendly city that it claims to be and I rather wait 30 minutes in the rain than get run over by a mad cab driver at Yonge and Eglinton. So you see, I've come to depend on you.

And its not only the waiting that upsets me (I will always be confused as to why I have to wait 30+ minutes during rush hour) its your drivers. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year I will come across a driver that smiles pleasantly and tells a joke on the microphone, but the other 997 times I ride the TTC I've encountered really horrible attitudes. Sure, your drivers go through a lot of shit, I get it, but an eye for an eye just makes everyone blind. Yeah, sometimes I have rough days too, but I don't swear at the people that call my office...maybe I'm just too nicey nice, too "small-town".

Oh! and the price increases, man! they really get to me. Price increase = better service. Not. Oh TTC, why can't we just get along...

Oh wait. I just read that you're sorry. You're promising new fare vending machines and text messages to let me know when the next street car is coming, wow, you're even offering to train your staff in customer service. TTC, love/hate of my life: I just hope you follow through because the truth is we can not live without each other, but if I don't see major changes...I'm getting a bike.


Toronto Girl

"The TTC received 31,532 complaints last year. The top two complaints were 5,513 for surface vehicle delays and 3,851 complaints about discourteous employees."

Fast Tack to Sainthood

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This picture was taken by my friend Gen, who is coincidentally one of the most generous women I know. She has taught me the importance of using one's talents to help others, which is coincidentally a great way to meet new people. There are many community organizations (ran by rather good looking volunteers) that are in the need of volunteers. If you have time to go shopping for a pair of shoes that you don't need, then you have time to volunteer.
Okay, and if volunteering time is not possible (school, jobs, family, etc) then just being nice to everyone that crosses your path is a great idea. A genuine smile goes a long way.

P.S - the more you smile, the happier you'll become.

Volunteer Toronto
The Stop
Big Brothers Big Sisters Toronto


What's Eating You?

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One of the hardest things about being a single person (in the city or elsewhere) is, hands down, eating. No, no, I'm not going to excuse my eating habits but ...okay! I am excusing my eating habits. But really, go to the super market. Super markets are not single people friendly. The inexpensive items are too big, the small ones twice the price. So it all comes down to this conundrum: Do I buy cheap and let half of the food rot? or do I pay twice as much because I'm single? If you pick option #1 you will end up eating the same thing every-single-day for a week. I don't know about you, but this Toronto Girl loves variety.

This is where the devil comes in: Take out. In cute packaging. Oh dear, I go through months where I don't do groceries, I just eat out. Then my pants don't fit.
So now I am at the stage where my pants are not fitting and tunics and leggings have become my uniform. I am looking at my take-out bills and after doing the math I have realized that buying the expensive single-people-items will save me about $50 a month. Not a number you laugh at.

After this epiphany I called by aunt. A food connoisseur and fabulous single home-maker. Here are a few tips she shared:

- Buy organic produce - it usually comes in smaller quantities and its good for you. Pricey? yes, but as the saying goes "pay now or pay more later"

- Buy grains (organic) in big quantities - grains don't perish as quickly so, say, a bag of brown rice will last you a month, provided you store it well

-Read your food fliers and see what's on sale. We do this with clothing too right? But also know why it is on sale! The expiry date tomorrow?

- Get your organic meat at the butcher (where its sold by weight and you can control the amount you buy) and don't get a lot, you should not be eating meat every single day anyways

- Have friends or roommates with a similar passion for good food and saving money? take a field trip to the farmers market every once in a while. Buy organic fruits and veggies, and at the end of the day divide and conquer. Split the goods and the bill

- Support local farmers buy organic. Knowing you are doing something good for the environment, the local economy and yourself will help you keep motivated

- Cook on Sunday afternoons/evenings. Perfect way to get ready for the week ahead: by taking care of yourself first. Store meals in glass containers. Prepare salad but don't put in any dressing until you're about to eat it.

So, it is my hope that the following tips will help be become a domestic goddess , a savings queen and help me fit into my pants again.

What is Organic
List of Organic Farmers Markets in Toronto
Tips for Cooking for One
The Healthy Butcher - Organic Meat

Do you have any tips on eating well in a budget? Do tell!


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My friend sent me this e-mail. I found it inspiring. I hope it inspires you too.
Happy Monday, Go out there and kick some ass!!!

An Excerpt from The Achemist: The Introduction

Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend. However, we don’t all have the courage to confront our own dream.


There are four obstacles. First: we are told from childhood onward that everything we want to do is impossible. We grow up with this idea, and as the years accumulate, so too do the layers of prejudice, fear, and guilt. There comes a time when our personal calling is so deeply buried in our soul as to be invisible. But it’s still there.

If we have the courage to disinter dream, we are then faced by the second obstacle: love. We know what we want to do, but are afraid of hurting those around us by abandoning everything in order to pursue our dream. We do not realize that love is just a further impetus, not something that will prevent us going forward. We do not realize that those who genuinely wish us well want us to be happy and are prepared to accompany us on that journey.

Once we have accepted that love is a stimulus, we come up against the third obstacle: fear of the defeats we will meet on the path. We who fight for our dream suffer far more when it doesn’t work out, because we cannot fall back on the old excuse: “Oh, well, I didn’t really want it anyway.” We do want it and know that we have staked everything on it and that the path of the personal calling is no easier than any other path, except that our whole heart is in this journey. Then, we warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how.

Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
November 2002

P.S - This book is next on my list. I was told it would change my life...

Dmitry the Douche Bag

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I am sure you all have heard the hilarious v-mail messages that this guy left on a girl's answering machine. Sure it is hilarious, I had a good laugh about it, we all did. But I have to admit, its also really scary. Its really scary to think that there are actually men out there with zero respect towards women. What makes is even more scary? there's women out there willing to take it!!
I hate to be preachy, but please please please RESPECT YOURSELF. We all learn the hard way to do this. All of us will kiss a couple of frogs (okay, maybe more that a couple) before we find a prince, but learn when to exit.

You should never tolerate a man that does not treat you with respect. Here's a list of Red Flags Every Girl Should Not Ignore:

- Excessive questioning with a jealous undertone - See it as a sign of possessiveness.
- Tardiness - Is he always late? changes plans last minute?
- Needs to be in control - does he listen to you? does he ignore your requests?
- Rudeness - is he rude to service staff? is he respectful towards everyone?
- Alcohol/Drug Abuse - Does he need to get drunk to have fun? All.The.Time?
- Unwanted Sexual Advances - a man should know that no means NO.
-Wandering Eyes - Is he mentally and physically with you?

See a red flag? Drop it like its hot. I've learned (the hard way) to trust my instincts. 100% of the time when I have the feeling this guy is a complete asshole, its because he is. Yes, I've ignored myself and made mistakes, but I've learned from them, and now I can have a good laugh. We are laughing at the Dmitrys - hopefully we can learn to avoid them.

I'm giving you an opportunity to have a little laugh: Click here by 3 o'clock.

P.S - Thanks to my friend KC that gave a book called Date Like a Man by Myreah Moore "Diva of Dating". Never read the whole thing but the chapter on red flags, which I found on point.

My favorite thing about Toronto is it's crazy people. And there's quite a few:
Improv In Toronto is a group of people that pull out the craziest pranks. Their mission is to shake up the daily lives of Torontonians, "In the process we bring excitement to otherwise unexciting locales and give strangers a story they can tell for the rest of their lives." and let me tell you, they have my attention!
On Sunday January 10th an army of pantless riders took over the TTC for the 3rd year in a row. Every rider was assigned a stop and when they got there they had to take their pants off and put them in their knapsacks and act as if nothing was unusual. Can you imagine being in the subway and having the person sitting beside you take their pants off? What would you do? I would have certainly liked to be there! Would I take my pants off? Probably not... but I would have enjoyed the shock and laughter this produced.

Click here to watch the video and check out some pics. Maybe this is something you'd like participate in next year...

What do you think?!? Opinions et al are more than welcome! Leave a comment :)

One Week Ago

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One week ago, a lot of people lost food and water supplies.
One week ago, a lot of people lost their loved ones.
One week ago, a lot of people lost their homes.

It would be impossible for me to keep on writing and not acknowledge this. So I've added a little link on the upper right side of the screen where you can make donations to the Red Cross. Canada has already donated more that $40 million dollars.

If you are a timmy-texter, here's how you can donate.

To make a text donation in Canada:

Text the word "Haiti" to 30333 to donate $5 to Plan Canada
Text the word "Hope" or "Monde" to 45678 to donate $5 to World Vision Canada
Text the word "CAHAITI" to 20222 to donate $5 to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative
Text the word "Haiti" to 45678 to the Salvation Army in Canada
Text the word "Haiti" to 25383 to donate $5 to the International Rescue Committee.

Happy Tuesday :)

All By Myself

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I might do many things, all by myself.
How very dangerous.

I personally have never understood why being single is such a bad thing. Mind you, I'm twenty-five, I have two jobs, go to school, have a lovely family and friends and a list of extra-curriculars that keeps me fairly busy. I guess I've never had a chance to ponder on being single . However, I've always made it mandatory for me to spend quality alone time. Yes, I've been to the movies by myself, dinned alone, shopped alone, gone to a concert alone, attended a summer festival alone, even travelled alone. I had so much fun doing it, sometimes I think it will be hard sharing these things with someone else.
I think spending quality time with yourself is so important. Its so empowering to know that you don't need anyone to be happy and that you can make yourself happy. Getting to know yourself can be fascinating and sometimes you just need to be alone with your thoughts.

I found this lovely little blog post on dinning alone. I know exactly what Ellie (the author) means.

Decisions, Decisions

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Today I was reminded in a rather rude way of my decision to quit dance. Was it a good one or did I make a mistake? It was a decision that I had been making for quite a while and it was not an abrupt one. Anyways, I am not trying to justify my choices. It’s really not the point. The point is that there will come a time when you need to change gears and decide where your life is headed.

I decided that I want to pursue higher education, not to get rich, but because after 25 years I’ve found my talents and strengths. Now I am finally ready, mentally, to take the steps I need to take in order to develop them. I’m at a point in my life where I know what I am capable of and I want to live up to my potential. It wasn’t an easy decision. There is nothing more terrifying than abandoning the familiar and jumping off to the unknown, hoping your parachute will open. Regardless, I don’t regret anything, and although it’s tough to stomach the rude comments, I always rest assured in the fact that I know what I am doing and that those who love me are standing right behind me to catch me in case the parachute fails.

If you are struggling to make a decision I found the following tools really helpful:

University of Calgary Decision Making Model - Its targeted towards career decision making, but I think it can be applied to anything. Decision Making Skills - Highlights 8 steps or things to consider when making a decision.

P.S - I will always, always love to dance.

Haiti Earthquake

Posted by Toronto Girl 2 comments

I am struggling to write this post because I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to lose everything you have in an instant. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Tuesday’s magnitude- 7 earthquake has killed an estimated 50,000 people (the population of a small town) and injured about one third of the population. Devastating to say the least.
I guess the up-side to this story, and this is what revives my hope in the human race, is the way people have come together to help this nation in need. Just this morning the first of several Canadian Federal Government aid planes landed and this morning I heard in the news that the Harper government will match whatever Canadians donate to registered charities. So if you feel a tug in your heart here are some of the charities you can donate to:

The Perfect Job

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The perfect job. Myth or reality? I'm still struggling to find the answer, but I can tell you this: I've had my fair share of not so dreamy jobs. I guess its all part of growing up and learning what you can put up with and what is just plain unacceptable. These "imperfect" jobs teach us about ourselves, our strengths and if you just hang in there that might be that stepping stone to the next best thing. This makes it totally worth it.

In the mean time if you are looking for that perfect job I've found this link. In today's market you have to keep yourself relevant, one step above everyone else. What is your edge? what makes you special? what makes you different? Find it, learn it and develop it. Use it to find your dream job! Good luck.

"Remember this: There is a place for you in this evolving economy, but only if you think smarter and act differently than in the past. "

4 ways to change up your 2010 job search

What's poppin'?

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I've never really been a fan of taking pills, I've always been a bit suspicious of how the pharmaceutical industry offers a cure for something and at the same time gives you something else. Anxiety? take a pill and it will give you diarrhea or a heart attack. It just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not going to lie. A couple of years ago when I had a surgery Tynelol 3 saved me from a lot of pain, but still, I hesitate whenever I am faced with the choice of taking a pill.
Over the weekend I watched a documentary about Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Shocking and truthfully funny, it was a real eye-opener about the creation of FSD and the respective drug to cure it. Is sexual dissatisfaction a disease? or is it just a difficulty? No one really knows, so are pills really necessary to address this problem? but I think the question that really applies to us all is: are there no other alternatives? or are we just too busy/lazy to look for them and just want a quick pill fix? are we letting pharmaceutical companies exploit our insecurities, fears and irresponsibilities?
I am not insensitive or naive, I know people have chemical imbalances that cause anxiety and depression, but I still think that before we are diagnosed and treated with prescriptions we should look for other answers. Or at the very least question our doctors and the prescriptions given out...
"There's a lot of money to be made telling healthy people they are sick" - Ray Moynihan, Visiting Editor of the British Medical Journal, Co-author of Selling Sickness.

Please watch the documentary. I think it is brilliant. It raises questions about risks vs. benefits, money vs. health and ethics vs. profits.

I was just having a conversation with a friend about magazines. Remember Jane? I loved that magazine!!! it was edgy, controversial and the fashions were kooky. It was the total opposite of Cosmo. Cosmo is always talking about how to please your boyfriend, Jane was always giving you ideas on how to please yourself. What a concept!
I think as women we are programmed to be helping others, taking care of others, pleasing others, but what about you? the most important person in the planet! yes you!
So my wish for you this weekend is this: May you have a super self indulgent weekend. May you get a fancy manicure, or do a self facial at home (LUSH has great, inexpensive products), cook yourself a delicious and nutritious meal, read a great book or just relax in your pj's while watching a TV documentary (CBC's the passionate eye is one of my favorites) and munching on cherry tomatoes. Whatever you do, indulge and have a pleasurable weekend.

Eat Well - Nutrient Library
Manicure Spots in Toronto
Lush's Masks
Great Book Reviews
CBC's The Passionate Eye

HUMP DAY: Break The Routine

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Do you ever feel like your life has become this work-go home-work-go home cycle? Want to break the routine but not the piggy bank? Did you know that there are tons and tons of free activities that you can partake on a Wednesday night?

Before I start to sound like a late night infomercial, here's a list of cheap-cheap or free Wednesday Night Activities that are guaranteed to add some spring to your step:

AGO - Free from 6 - 8:30pm. 2 1/2 hours to indulge yourself in the works of Alexander Calder - The Paris Years (no time to waste! its on till January 10th) or world renowned Canadian Film maker Mark Lewis. Later, with the money you save, be chic and artsy while you grab a bite at the Espresso Bar or the chic FRANK restaurant.

THE POWER PLANT - Free from 5- 8pm. Don't know who Micheal Snow is? Find out and make it an ice breaker to meet cute guys. Bonus: the adjoining York Quay Centre (always free) is showing Respect: A Photo Odessy, a collection of photos of Canada's Boreal Forest.

Ben Navaee Gallery offers free life drawing classes fron 7-9pm. Its an ongoing tradition and there's a mix of professional and wanna-be artists. Even if you're not an artist, you should still step outside the box and try it. Maybe you are an artist and you just didn't know it.

ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) - Free between 4:30-5:30pm. An hour is defenitely not enough but go marvel at the Dinosaurs. Unfortunately, the bat cave is closed for renovations until February 27th, but ROM has promised to bring it back darker and scarier. If you're not into Dino's bones, Hamra Abbas' Read is an interesting response to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, giving a "multi-faith perspective". Intriguing, isn't it?

Honest Ed's - Bloor Street's iconic landmark might not really qualify as an educational activity if its strickly defined. Regardless, admission is always free, everything is cheap cheap cheap and you might find a knick-knack or two that you can flip around and turn into something else. It could qualify as an art challenge!

HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It is amazing how time flies. It is amazing what we learn during that time. All of a sudden things that we were so sure of become unstable, and things that we doubted become our truth. What is even crazier is that all these things, we have known all along. Sometimes, we forget to be truthful to ourselves. I imagine we all want a simple kind of life. A stable kind of life. In reality life is like one of those crazy heart rate monitor graphs, it has peaks and valleys and when you least expected it, it takes a turn (or a spike?). That’s life, if its stable, just like with those graphs, well, it means it’s not alive.

I moved to the city with a simple purpose: I wanted to pursue a career in Fashion. That was my sole purpose. I had a timeline. By age (insert number here) I wanted to be a (insert position here) but life has a funny way of sneaking up on you (you were right all along Alanis Morrisett). Walking through a bus stop I saw an ad for dance lessons and to make the story short I ended up discovering another passion of mine: dance. Who knew, well I guess I did, it just took me 22 years to get the guts to do it. Years later I joined a dance company and we performed in festivals all over the city and at great events in Montreal and Toronto. Then I got a job at that dance studio and as I started writing the course descriptions and the merchandise descriptions I discovered that I really loved writing. Like I used to back when I was 15. Who knew? I guess I did, it just took me 25 years to listen to myself.

I am writing this on a Monday (well, it’s Tuesday now, sorry) because Mondays are tough sometimes (Tuesdays are tough as well). Especially if you’re new to the city, you just started your first job and instead of doing something glamorous you are sweeping rat poo. I guess what I am trying to say open minded to the turns life takes. Learn to see opportunities at the valleys and have faith, have dreams. Keep your heart beating. That’s life.

Financial Tips

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Everyone has their own theory about money and how they relate to it, but my favorite is this: Money is like a really good man. Tempting, dark and handsome. Its hard to come by and needs lots of caring and good lovin'. You can't just go throwing it all away. You can't take it for granted because then it'll just go away as fast as it came.

These are a few quick tips on keeping your money close to you, where it matters. In your wallet.

Financial Tips Every Girl Should Know

  • Spending time with friends should not be about spending money. Enjoy the company of friends in the comfort of your home, or take advantage of all the free/low cost activities that the city has to offer.

  • Shop in your own closet. It'll be a creative challenge: How to wear this dress in 10 different ways.

  • Use skype for your long distance needs. It will requiere planning but will save a lot of money.

  • Make an appointment with your bank to learn about your RRSPs.

  • Open a tax free savings account.

  • Find a credit card that doesn't ask for your first born or a ridiculous interest rate/management fee.

  • Always save 25% of your income. (or more if you can afford it)
Financial independance depends on how well you manage your wealth, and well, you gotta start by making it and managing it well.


Information on Opening a Savings Account

Information on Tax Free Savings Account

Information on finding a credit card that works for you

Information about Budgeting (includes a worksheet)

Skype Website
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